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Donald, You’re No Teddy Roosevelt

Mike Konopacki The Cap Times
Since the shooting at Donald Trump's rally in Pennsylvania, pundits have gone from branding it "unprecedented" (which it's not) to comparing it to other incidents of political violence that have plagued our nation.

A New Class Consciousness

Andrew Elrod Dissent
There is unquestionably a new force undergirding the labor market: a new class consciousness. But leaving neoliberalism behind will require sustained collective action among millions of unorganized workers.


A Labor Day Like No Other

Harold Meyerson The American Prospect
Workers on strike. With public support for unions at near-record highs and new federal rules that actually enable organizing, unions need to mount massive campaigns.

Amazon Workers Who Won a Union Their Way Open Labor Leaders’ Eyes

Noam Scheiber New York Times
After the stunning victory at Amazon by a little-known independent union that didn’t exist 18 months ago, organized labor has begun to ask itself an increasingly pressing question: Does the labor movement need to get more disorganized?
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