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Workers Need New Heat Protections Immediately

Alex N. Press Jacobin
The Biden administration has proposed a desperately needed new heat standard to protect workers from scorching temperatures. Expect business groups to oppose it.

This Week in People’s History, Feb 13–19

Parliament asserts its power over the British monarchy in 1689 The Original Bill of Rights (in 1689), OSHA Comes of Age (1974), Shake, Rattle, and Roll (1954), A Win for Black Studies in Dixie (1969), FBI Frame-Up Falls Apart (1999), Compensation for Black Lung (1969), A Rare Espionage Act Acquittal (1919)

Welcome to the Cancer Factory

Jim Morris The Progressive
The United States says it cares about blue-collar workers, but the worker protections in place tell a different story.

This Week in People’s History, Dec 26-Jan 1

Ebola-related Personal Protective Equipment training session for healthcare workers Ebola Alarm Ignored (in 2013), Ma Rainey's Swan Song (1928), Endangered Species Act Too Young to Die (1973), Sinking Ship No Place for Rats (1958), Is THIS Emergency Response? (2013), Think Before You Drive (1938), Ho Chi Minh's Popularity (1963)

This Week in People’s History, Nov 21–27

Striking airline machinists walking off the job Airline Strikers Win (in 1958), Greenhouse Gas Census (2013), Secret Combat Deaths (1918), Gun Control, Anyone? (1993), OSHA Doesn't Crack the Whip (1983), Sojourner Truth, Farewell (1883), Battle or Massacre? (1868)

America’s Workplace Safety Crisis

Terri Gerstein The American Prospect
Today is Worker's Memorial Day. Conditions have improved from the days of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire. But not by nearly enough.

How Rising Temperatures Are Becoming a Labor Story

Steven Greenhouse Nieman Reports
Labor reporters are increasingly focusing on how extreme heat kills workers — and what should be done about it. They could focus on industry opposition to creating federal heat regulations, whether from agricultural employers or warehouse companies.
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