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Parkland Survivors Come to Kansas City

The March for Our Lives bus tour came to Reardon Convention Center in Kansas City, Kan., on Monday. Parkland shooting survivors joined with local high school students to address gun violence and urge young people to vote.

What Gives Me Hope About This 'Enough Is Enough' Movement

Harry Targ Diary of a Heartland Radical
I have had bursts of enthusiasm before when women marched for their rights, masses mobilized against war, and many stepped up to say no to police violence and mass incarceration, I was touched emotionally even more this time around, by several features of this new movement.

Tidbits - March 29, 2018 - Reader Comments: Nation Demands Gun Control - Parkland Manifesto, Youth of Color; 2018 Elections; Bolton War Preparations; Puerto Rico; Unions: What Now; May Day -Chicago; Announcements; and more...

Reader Comments: Nation Demands Gun Control - Parkland Student Manifesto; Youth of Color Demand to be Heard; 2018 Elections; Bolton and War Preparations; Vietnam War; Puerto Rico; Unions: What Now; Europe-Lessons from Center-Left Collapse; May Day in Chicago; Announcements; and more...

How to Organize to Win

Marshall Ganz The Nation
Rebuilding the democratic infrastructure is too important to leave up to the consultocracy. Mobilizers only turn out people with whom they agree. Organizers engage these people in reaching out to other people with whom they don’t agree.

Friday Nite Videos | March 16, 2018

Betsy DeVos Flunked Her '60 Minutes' Test. Sixteen Tums | Parody of Sixteen Tons. The Disturbing History of the Suburbs. Anonymous | Down the Dark Web Documentary. Parkland Survivors Discuss Privilege and Responsibility.
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