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What Did We Know – and When Did We Know It?

Rebecca Gordon TomDispatch
This capacity to predict the future is beginning to feel a bit déjà-vu-ish. It’s not too hard to foresee the approaching catastrophe in Gaza. In our presidential election, we are facing the potential elevation of a genuine instrument of fascism.

The Most Successful Murder in History

Daniel Matamala La Tercera
After the signing of the Oslo Accords, fundamentalist rabbis branded Rabin a “traitor” and issued a din rodef against him, an authorization to assassinate him. Benjamin Netanyahu, then leader of the opposition, was the keynote speaker at two protests


Palestinianism: Charting the Life and Work of Edward Said

Adam Shatz London Review of Books
A biography of protean intellectual Edward Said situates the advocate for Palestinian statehood as a deep political thinker and skeptic of identity politics would both excoriate the crimes of Israel and the US and denounce Arab despotism.
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