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Portside Moderators: Fascism Drops the Mask

Trump's fascist ideology and his plans for dictatorial rule are in plain view, day after day. The overriding question of 2024 is: How to defeat this imminent threat? Here is how we -- the Portside moderators -- see it. And how you can help Portside.

Portside Moderators: Fascism Drops the Mask

Trump's fascist ideology and his plans for dictatorial rule are in plain view, day after day. The overriding question of 2024 is: How to defeat this imminent threat? Here is how we -- the Portside moderators -- see it.


The Challenge to the Left in 2024

Portside Moderators Portside
Can democracy in the United States survive naked dictatorial ambition and Christian nationalism in 2024? Here is how we -- the Portside moderators -- see it. And how you can help Portside.

The Challenge to the Left in 2024

Portside Moderators Portside
Can democracy in the United States survive naked dictatorial ambition and Christian nationalism in 2024? Here is how we -- the Portside moderators -- see it. And how you can help Portside.

Portside Moderators: What We Know About 2023

Portside Moderators Portside
It ain’t over. For sure, we are in for an epic clash in 2023 between the demands for inclusive, multiracial democracy and an even more MAGA-fied Republican party. Our job is to help to inform and mobilize every day. We need your help.


Portside Moderators’ Crystal Ball 2023

Portside Moderators Portside
Could the clash between democracy and authoritarianism become even sharper in 2023? Yes – in fact, that may be the safest prediction we can make. Here’s how we – the moderators of Portside – see it:
Subscribe to Portside Annual Fund Appeal 2022