Reports that focus on workers’ individual choices hide an important reality: corporations don’t want to take the fall for economic problems, but they are benefiting from new workplace practices. The employment shell game lets them off the hook.
Gig economy companies were not true pioneers. The truth behind their dominance is their aggressive market takeovers, aided by their precarious labor model. The piece wage’s effect is to induce workers to toil longer and harder for less.
The reality of precarious employment in Mexico is illustrated by the level of unemployment, informal work, the loss of purchasing power and the lack of labour justice.
Workers across many industries are increasingly banding together and standing up against management as part-time and contract work grows, automation amps up, and wages barely budge, labor observers say. Silicon Valley tech workers have started a coalition to unite.
This article revolves a new book called The Precariat: the New Dangerous Class by Gary Standing, a British economist.Lack of job security and low wages is how he characterizes these workers. He cites McDonalds and Walmart as the model worldwide for creating precarious employment.
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