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Cori Bush, Activist-Politician, Still Inspires Working People Like Me

India Walton Progressive Hub
Rep. Cori Bush is the first line of defense for working-class people and the most vulnerable members of our community. We need her in Congress because we need people to represent us all, people with a moral compass who will stand up to big money.

John Fetterman Exits the Progressive Coalition

Ross Barkan Political Currents
"I'm not a progressive. I'm just a regular Democrat." Fetterman is in the first year of a six-year term. He has time to repair relations with progressives or sever ties altogether. At this point, the latter is rapidly happening anyway.

Congress Members Urge Probe Into Use of US Weapons by Israel

Al Jazeera Staff Al Jazeera
A group of progressive Democrats in the United States Congress has called on President Joe Biden to “shift” American policy on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, saying that US aid should not be used to fund abuses of Palestinian rights.

Can Biden Be Pushed Left?

Bob Master Dissent Magazine
History suggests that what you see on the campaign trail, or even in a candidate’s past legislative record, is not necessarily what you get from a president once in power. Our first imperative in 2020 is a massive repudiation of Donald Trump.

Ilhan Omar Is Not Here to Put You at Ease

David Marchese New York Times
Few members of Congress have been as much of a political lightning rod during the storm-heavy Trump era as Ilhan Omar. She has become a prominent voice on issues like racial justice and police reform.

The Young Left’s Anti-Capitalist Manifesto

Clare Malone FiveThirtyEight
Its goal is to remake our economic system — and the Democratic Party. Since the 2016 election, the left’s political and cultural influence has ballooned. Membership in DSA grew exponentially during the first years of the Trump administration.
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