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A Better Way for Retiree Health Care

Barbara Bowen and Barbara Caress New York Daily News
New York City has kept a covenant with its workers: your wages will be modest — lower than those of your counterparts in the suburbs or the private sector — but as a full-time employee you will be entitled to health care coverage without premiums.

To Honor Black History, Fund Our Front-Line Heroes

Lee Saunders and Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II AFSCME.medium
Through their work in public education, public transit and public health, millions of African Americans have been able to provide for their families and strengthen their communities. But without federal aid now those jobs are on the chopping block.


When Unions Passed On Gaining Right to Strike

Marc Kagan The Chief
One New York public employee union —the New York State Nurses Association—is advocating for the abolition of the Taylor Law's no-strike rule. Other unions recognize that labor needs offensive weapons. Yet most are ambivalent or opposed.
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