As momentum builds around efforts to divert public funds to private schools, lawmakers and advocates should recommit to opposing harmful voucher bills and supporting greater investment in public education.
Students in the course say it has been one of the most valuable experiences of their school years, because it has allowed them to focus on Black life and history beyond the fundamentals of slavery and civil rights.
After surviving the worst of the pandemic, the city now faces budget cuts that seem to promise even more disruption. The average rent of a Manhattan apartment is now reaching $5,249 a month, an increase of nearly 20 percent over the previous year.
John Schmitt and Katherine deCourcy
Economic Policy Institute
The pandemic exacerbated a preexisting and long-standing shortage of teachers. The shortage is, instead, the result of a lack of qualified teachers willing to work in what has long been a highly stressful job for compensation that is well below what is available to college-educated workers in other professions.
It’s an incredibly difficult time to be a public school teacher. Collective action can help teachers realize that their problems are caused by systemic issues, not individual failings, and that the solutions require acting together.
Resisting the billionaire-ification of their city, workers and their families are offering a community-centered vision at Parker Elementary. And it’s working.
Reader Comments: Uvalde School Shootings; Attack on Teachers, on Education, on Public Schools; Starbucks Union Winning; Strategy for Change - DSA and Electoral Politics of the Left; Ozark - What Was it About; Resources; Announcements; more....
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