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How the UAW Broke Ford’s Stranglehold Over Black Detroit

Paul Prescod Jacobin
In the early 1900s, Ford Motor Company commanded strong loyalty from Detroit’s black workers. But the United Auto Workers broke Ford’s stranglehold through patient organizing, cementing an alliance that would bear fruit for decades.

Racism and Race – The John Roberts Two-Step

Jamelle Bouie New York Times
The Roberts two-step. He takes racism, a system of subjugation and social control, and removes the racists. What’s left is the mark of racism - race. A landmark case about the legitimacy of race hierarchy becomes, the use of race in school placement.

The Black Radical Tradition Can Guide Our Struggles Against Oppression

Robin D. G. Kelley, Daniel Denvir Jacobin
Historian Robin D. G. Kelley has uncovered a tradition of African American radicalism that was — and is — a crucial part of the American left’s history. He talks to Jacobin about the need to connect struggles against racism and class oppression.

How the Early Battle Over Race Science Was Lost

Vivek V. Venkataraman Sapiens
Celebrated 19th-century biologist Ernst Haeckel pushed race science as his little-known protégé Nikolai Miklucho-Maclay defended Indigenous rights. A biological anthropologist reflects on the impacts of their ruptured relationship.

Tidbits – Nov. 03, 2022 – Reader Comments, Elections – High Inflation, Huge Profits, Why Not Price Freeze; Politicians Giving Medical Advice; Lula Wins!; Mayor, UFT Push Medicare Advantage; Public Health; Mike Davis Tribute; Angela Y. Davis

Reader Comments, Elections - High Inflation, Huge Profits, Why Not Price Freeze; Politicians Giving Medical Advice; Lula Wins!; Mayor, UFT Push Medicare Advantage; Copyright legislation; Public health; Mike Davis Tribute; Evening with Angela Y. Davis
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