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Radioactive Radicals!

Paul Buhle Portside
Radioactive Radicals is a vivid, galvanizing portrait of two young radicals thrust into the whirlwind of revolutionary working-class politics from the 1960s to the present. Here is a whopper of a novel by any estimation.


How We Move Forward Together: The Rank & File Project

Abdullah F., Cyn Huang, and Marsha Niemeijer Convergence
By recruiting young radicals to the labor movement, the Rank & File Project hopes to build the base for a politics that can unify the working class around shared interests, & prioritize solidarity & workers’ rights within the workplace & outside it.

UAW Strikers Have Scored a Historic, Transformative Victory

Nelson Lichtenstein Jacobin
With its successful strike, UAW broke with decades of concessions, won on pay and workplace democracy, and launched a new national labor leader. There’s much more organizing to be done, but this is an unmitigated victory for the entire working class.
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