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Tidbits – Sept. 22, 2022 – Reader Comments: Kidnapping Immigrants; Railroad Workers, Railroad Profits; Religion; Ukraine War; Sweden; My Revolutionary Inspiration, Barbara Ehrenreich; Frank Emspak, Troublemaker; the Worker-Led Upsurge; More..

Reader Comments: Kidnapping Immigrants; Railroad Workers and Railroad Profits; Religion; Ukraine War; Sweden; My Revolutionary Inspiration, Barbara Ehrenreich; New Book: Frank Emspak, Troublemaker; The Worker-Led Upsurge: Amazon and Starbucks; more

Railroad Companies Almost Inflicted an Economic Disaster on the U.S.

Terri Gerstein and Jenny Hunter Slate
All because they chose profits over humane working policies. What this fight is really about: the persistent difficulty some large corporations have in understanding that their workers are human beings, and not just one more piece of machinery.


Now Is the Time for Unions To Go on the Offensive

Chris Bohner Jacobin
Despite years of employer attacks, unions still have vast resources at their disposal. This moment of worker upsurge is the time to use those assets to fund aggressive organizing.

Building Communities of Solidarity

Fernando E. Gapasin, Bill Fletcher Jr. and Bill Gallegos Monthly Review
Veteran labor organizer Fernando Gapasin is interviewed by Bill Fletcher, Jr. and Bill Gallegos. "I dedicated myself to ending racism and building worker power by building democratic working-class organizations from the bottom up."
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