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W.E.B. DuBois’ Abolition Democracy

Gerald Horne The Nation
What distinguished DuBois' close study of slavery and Reconstruction (and does so even today) was its Marxism. Black Reconstruction was his first extended effort to shine Marxism’s sweeping floodlight on the tortured history of his homeland.

National Report on the Teaching of Reconstruction

Zinn Education Project Zinn Education Project
The dominant and distorted scholarship framed Reconstruction as an illegitimate enterprise that failed to sustain multiracial democracy. For much of the 20th century, this bogus history was used to justify denying Black people full citizenship.

The Ku Klux Klan Was Also a Bosses’ Association

Chad Pearson Jacobin
The KKK should be understood not just as a white supremacist organization, but as an employers’ organization: it violently resisted the revolutionary gains of the Civil War and Reconstruction, and sought to keep the black masses toiling in submission

The Hidden History of Juneteenth

Gregory P. Downs Talking Points Memo
A false story of Reconstruction spread by propagandists for Jim Crow segregation and disseminated in popular culture through Birth of a Nation continues to shape the national imagination.
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