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Palestinian Workers Have a Long History of Resistance

Joel Beinin Jacobin
The Palestinian general strike of May 18 fits into a much longer history of mobilization by Palestinian workers. From the British colonial years to the present, those struggles have faced harsh repression, but kept a spirit of resistance alive.

Stand with Haiti! A Call for Solidarity

Over 60 organizations call for support of the resistance by the Haitian people to the US-backed dictatorship of Jovenel Moise, and suggest concrete ways for progressive-minded people to take action in solidarity with Haiti.


Building Solidarity

Renée Feltz The Indypendent
The anarchist philosopher Peter Kropotkin, writing in 1902, called Mutual Aid "the conscience — be it only at the stage of an instinct — of human solidarity." This new book offers insight into how that idea can live in today's world.
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