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The Peace Movement and Ukraine: John Feffer Replies to Critics

John Feffer New Politics
Continuing the debate over peace movement strategy and principles, John Feffer addresses proposals for the U.S. to cut off weapons to Ukraine, arms control with Russia, Ukraine membership in the European Union, and the Wagner mutiny.

Boris Kagarlitsky: My Peace Plan

Boris Kagarlitsky Russian Dissent
The left must offer a program of an honest peace without territorial conquest or any further aggressive policy, with remuneration for all destruction at the expense of those who unleashed this massacre.

The Surprising Pervasiveness of Pro-War Propaganda

Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J.S. Davies, Marcy Winograd Foreign Policy in Focus
The war in Ukraine has divided progressives like few other foreign policy issues in recent years. A Foreign Policy in Focus commentary by John Feffer posted on Portside criticized CODEPINK's position on the war in Ukraine. Here is our response.

Tidbits – June 15, 2023 – Reader Comments: Trump Indictment; Killing Blacks a Growth Industry; David Byrne Relents; Readers Respond: “People’s Media” Network; 10 Years of Fight for $15; Eddie Kay Way-Street Naming Ceremony; Cartoons; More

Reader Comments: Trump Indictment; Killing Blacks a Growth Industry; David Byrne Relents-Musical to Have Live Orchestra; Readers Respond: “People’s Media” Network; Crypto Currency; 10 Years of Fight for $15; Eddie Kay Way-Street Naming Ceremony; more
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