"I didn't hear Jamie Dimon criticizing socialism when Wall Street begged for the largest federal bailout in American history—some $700 billion from the Treasury and even more from the Fed," Bernie Sanders before speech on Democratic Socialism.
Critics of Marxism craft a veritable mythic horror show of allegations against Marx and his critique of capitalist social relations. The book under review cleverly and effectively demolishes 10 of these myths. The review deep-dives into two of them.
Stephen Maher and Rafael Khachaturian
Socialist Project
Running socialist candidates for office, mobilizing social struggles from below, and building the institutional infrastructure of working class power can be mutually reinforcing
Reader Comments: Barr Lied; Trade Wars; Reality of Economic Numbers; Don't Fall for 'Electability' Trap; Redistricting; Iran; Venezuela; Jakarta Sinking; Top 100 People Killing the Planet; Pete Seeger Remembered; May 8 was V-E Day; Announcements...
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