Käthe Kollwitz was a radical printmaker with deep political commitments. From the last days of the German Empire until the end of the Third Reich, she gave visual expression to workers’ rebellion and loss, never losing hope in the socialist world to
Laura Flanders interviewing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Noam Chimsky
At 93, Noam Chomsky is the most important leftist intellectual alive. At 32, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is one of our most important leftist elected officials. The two recently spoke about our prospects for winning a better world.
It’s time for Americans to call socialism by its name. Like Sisyphus, the best we can expect is that the rock may stay where we’ve put it for a long while, sometimes for entire generations of decency, as the struggle continues.
John Reed’s thrilling dispatches from the front lines of the Mexican Revolution could have made him a pop culture celebrity. Instead, the experience made him a committed socialist.
Unlike most of the other struggles of this era, this strike rested on the firm backbone of the women of the mining families and communities who continued the fight when the men were beaten and jailed and the strike near defeat.
Recent socialist electoral campaigns have been essential to the rebirth of the US left. Now the Left needs to commit to rebuilding the labor movement from the bottom up.
The US hoped the protests in Cuba would overthrow Cuba’s government. That didn’t happen. Talking to average Cubans on the island reveals why: Despite criticisms of the government, many Cubans want to further the revolution, not scrap it.
This book is written by a professor in the School of Marxism Studies at Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China, and it aims to explain the theory and practice of contemporary governance in that country.
In the 30s and 40s, Langston Hughes wrote poetic tributes to the working class and socialist leaders worldwide. Some critics allege he abandoned his principles later in life, but they ignore the role of McCarthyist oppression and Hughes’s resistance.
A classic text’s reissue charts a key British feminist rebel’s life and work from her organizing immigrant and working women in London’s East End and building the emerging British labor movement to her revolutionary politics and her anti-fascism.
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