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Tidbits – Apr 21, 2022 – Reader Comments: Ukraine and the Left; Grad Students; Who Is Working-Class; Amazon Rainforest; Jackie Robinson; Amazon Rally Sunday; May Day; Global Green New Deal; Labor Notes Conference; Teaching Socialism; Mark Rogovin;

Reader Comments: Ending Ukraine War; Ukraine and the Left; Grad Students; Who Is Working-Class; Amazon Rainforest; Jackie Robinson; Amazon Rally Sunday; May Day; Global Green New Deal; Labor Notes Conference; Teaching Socialism; Mark Rogovin; more...

Between Capitalism and Community a Review by Paul Buhle

Paul Buhle Monthly Review
To good effect, he argues that a revolution is gained only by practice: “we have to practice socialism…have to go about building it in practice,” a practice that changes the socialists themselves, through the relation of community and solidarity .

The Blockade Against Cuba Turned 60

Rosa Miriam Elizalde Independent Media Institute
It’s easy to say, but it’s been six very hard decades that began with disconcerting lightness and the belief that the United States government’s blockade of Cuba would not last long – a couple of years, maybe.


Freud and the Miseries of Politics

Udi Greenberg The New Republic
It is tempting to harness “Civilization and Its Discontents” as a guide to our contemporary political morass, but doing so may obscure its most valuable message.


Paul Tillich's Socialist Decision

Matt McManus Bias Magazine
This too-little-knows treatise by Martin Luther King Jr.'s favorite teacher was written in Germany, notes reviewer McManus, as the Nazis were transitioning "from a threatening political movement to a lethal political dictatorship."


Das Kapital in Kiswahili

Joachim Mwami, Loren Balhorn Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung
Dr. Joachim Mwami, a retired professor of sociology at the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, began translating Capital into Kiswahili, the language spoken by roughly 100 million people across East Africa.

Tidbits - Jan. 13, 2022 - Reader Comments: COVID Vaccines; Hospitals in Trouble; Solidarity and Internationalism in Today's World; Sidney Poitier; Thomas Piketty Turns to Socialism; Rosa Luxemburg; Martin Luther King; Anne and Carl Braden;

Reader Comments: COVID Vaccines; Hospitals in Trouble; Solidarity and Internationalism in Today's World; Sidney Poitier; Thomas Piketty Turns to Socialism; Rosa Luxemburg; Martin Luther King and Today; Anne and Carl Braden; Labor History; more....


Thomas Piketty: The Making of a Socialist

Robert Kuttner New York Times
What makes this noteworthy is that it comes from an economist who gained his reputation as a researcher with vaguely left-of-center sensibilities but was far from a radical. The times are such that even honest moderates are driven to radical remedies
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