The decision means South Carolina’s June primary likely will be held under a map that the court had already deemed unconstitutional and discriminatory.
In American Slavers, Sean M. Kelley surveys the relatively unknown history of Americans who traded in slaves in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
The Southern U.S. is now the world’s largest producer and exporter of wood pellets. Under the guise of “renewable energy,” the voracious European demand for wood pellets has put forests and communities in this region at increased risk.
James Campbell worked in the civil rights movement with Jack O’Dell, Bayard Rustin, Malcolm X and Bob Moses; in the theater and contributed to the influential Freedomways journal co-founded by W.E.B. and Shirley Graham Du Bois. Now at 95, a tribute.
As part of America’s reckoning with its oppressive past, the nation now faces the question not just of what statues and other images should be taken down, but what else – if anything – should be put up in their place.
By reducing black Americans' concerns to race or exploiting the idea of a singular "black vote," the elite political class undermines our ability to organize a majoritarian social movement to combat the ruling-class assault on all working people.
South Carolina’s system for magistrate judges is unlike any state in the country, creating fertile ground for incompetence and corruption. Most aren’t lawyers, but their decisions can have lasting effects on the vulnerable people who come before them
Some of the South’s most prominent Black mayors, in four states with the earliest and most competitive primaries, are telling presidential candidates seeking endorsements that they’ll first have to show how they plan to invest in their communities.
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