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Southern Worker School Charts Course for Power

Southern Workers Assembly Southern Workers Assembly
Nearly 200 rank and filers who are developing a movement of workers in the South gathered in Charlotte, NC on May 17 – 19 for the 2024 Southern Worker School.


Southern Workers Are Defying History

Successful union campaigns in the south could raise wages, reduce poverty, and spread democracy in the former Confederacy.

Charleston Workers Renew Region's Ties to Highlander Center

Kerry Taylor Facing South
At Highlander, the Charleston workers were joined by 30 other workers — African-American fast-food workers mainly — from Birmingham; Atlanta; Richmond, Virginia; and several cities in North Carolina. Over the course of the two-day workshop, the workers, with a few organizers and guests, practiced talking union to fearful coworkers. They analyzed poems by Langston Hughes and verses from the New Testament, and learned of the history of Highlander.


Pro-Union Nissan Workers in Mississippi

This blog puts a spotlight on the labor activity in the U.S. South you don't read about elsewhere, always keeping it in context with what is going on nationally and internationally in the Global South as well. This blog also provides a historical and cultural (including music, literature, and art) perspective that takes into account the long, hard, and often bloody struggle workers have always had to wage whenever they tried to organize in this region
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