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American Steel’s Succession

Luke Goldstein, Jarod Facundo The American Prospect
Mergers temporarily strengthen labor’s bargaining chip. But in the long run, anti-monopoly experts say, corporate power crushes workers and consumers.

Trump’s Trade Gimmickry

Dani Rodrik Project Syndicate
The imbalances and inequities generated by the global economy cannot be tackled by protecting a few politically well-connected industries, using manifestly ridiculous national security considerations as an excuse. Such protectionism is a gimmick, not a serious agenda for trade reform.


What is Happening in the Steel Industry?

Walton Pantland Union Solidarity International
Rich countries make money by owning things – physical and intellectual property – and setting global standards the rest of the world must adhere to. This also means an economic shift within these countries, away from well-paid, secure, skilled jobs in industry to a precarious, service-based economy.
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