Secret IRS records reveal dozens of highly fortuitous biotech and health care trades. One executive bought shares in a corporate partner just before a sale, and an investor traded options right before a company’s revenues took off, netting millions.
Never-before-seen IRS records show that CEOs are sometimes making multimillion-dollar bets on the stocks of direct competitors and partners — and doing so with exquisite timing.
Due to the stock market downturn, public pensions invested in private equity are about to face a reckoning — but thanks to lax transparency regulations, pension members have no way of knowing how bad it might get.
Reader Comments: 2020 elections, Labor Prepares Strike if Trump Interferes; Angela Davis Hope for Present and Future; Bolivia Reclaims Hope; Supreme Court; Pandemic; Economy under Trump; Stock Market; Cuba; Abortion; ORGANIZING TO PROTECT THE RESULTS
When this is all over, will we be able to patch up the economy and get things back to normal? Trump certainly claims so. But he's wrong. The pandemic is exposing just how dysfunctional our economic system was to begin with.
When the Covid-19 scare has passed, we will have a different government, a different economy and a different financial system. We need to make sure that what we get is an upgrade that works for everyone.
However severe the current crisis, and whatever the outcome in November, big changes are coming in how the U.S. economy functions, how this country is ruled and its role in the world.
The repo market is a fragile house of cards waiting for a strong wind to blow it down, propped up by misguided monetary policies that have forced central banks to underwrite its highly risky ventures.
The longer Donald Trump persists in his trade war, the greater the chances are of an outright slump developing. That is what the financial markets are telling us, also the implicit message from the Federal Reserve.
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