Doyinsola Oladipo and Mrinmay Dey
Reuters/USA Today
The strike comes as 40,000 Unite Here hotel workers across 20 cities face expiring contracts this year. Negotiations for new four-year contracts have been taking place since May; about 15,000 of those workers have authorized strikes in 12 markets.
Canada's two main railway companies are on the verge of a simultaneous labor stoppage for the first time. The companies say they'll start locking out workers Thursday if they can't reach a deal; the union (Teamsters) says it's ready to call a strike.
After organizing a stewards network, engaging in strikes, and building multiracial solidarity, workers at an Amazon fulfillment center in central England are deciding whether to form a union. Results are expected on July 17.
“This vote today is the first step in demonstrating our solidarity and sends a clear message to Apple,” said the IAM CORE Negotiating Committee in a statement.
Two major strikes by Hollywood writers and actors dominated headlines last year. Only months after the strikes’ end, contract negotiations are now underway for the entertainment industry’s crew members — and the possibility of a strike is not off the
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