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Trump’s Tariffs Are a Gift to Capital, Not Workers

An interview with Vivek Chibber Jacobin
Donald Trump has championed tariffs as a way to revive American manufacturing. But without a real industrial strategy, Catalyst editor Vivek Chibber argues, they’re little more than a handout to capital.

Trump’s Threats Expose Canada’s Utter Dependency on the US

Adam D.K. King interviews Sam Gindin Socialist Project: The Bullet
The immediate task is to address delinking from the United States and the American Empire. This is not about aiming for a nationalist form of sovereignty but one based on collectively and democratically determining what kind of society we want.

We’re Already Seeing Signs That Trump Is Tanking the Economy

Timothy Noah The New Republic
Your stock portfolio may grow. But say goodbye to next year’s raise—and maybe even your job. Donald Trump’s election provides a useful occasion to examine the difference between what rich people want and what constitutes a thriving economy.

America’s Trade Deficit Is Not Afraid of Donald Trump

Yanis Varoufakis Project Syndicate
If the US president-elect’s efforts to eliminate America’s trade deficit succeed, real-estate prices in Miami and Manhattan will crash, the cost of servicing government debt will skyrocket and the Dow Jones will plummet.

Trump Does Not Have Mandate

Peter Dreier Talking Points Memo
Newspaper headlines have called Donald Trump’s victory “decisive,” “massive,” “resounding,” “historic,” and “sweeping.” None of those things are true. Recent public opinion polls reveal that Trump’s professed policy agenda is very unpopular.

Friday Nite Videos | December 6, 2024

Five Things Christian Nationalists Want from Trump. What Your Brain Is Really Doing When You're Doing 'Nothing.' The $1 Trillion Private Health Insurance Scam. Michael Kosta Meets the No. 1 Book Banner in Florida. Trump Goes to War With Allies.
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