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Stopping the Biggest Corporate Power Grab in Years

Arthur Stamoulis Foreign Policy in Focus
TPP is a corporate power grab clearly worthy of Seattle-caliber mobilization. But the fight against this reprehensible deal requires different types of tactics. And the place to start is by derailing “Fast Track,” the mechanism that would allow TPP approval to rush through the U.S. Congress with little debate and no amendments.


Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Ten Threats To Europeans

Wolf Jäcklein Le Monde Diplomatique
TTIP does away with “barriers” that impede the intercontinental flow of goods. This will make it easier for companies to base their production facilities on “cost” grounds, especially social ones. Workers’ entitlement to be involved will still stop at the border. TTIP will therefore mean a weakening of workers’ rights, despite guarantees under the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights.
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