Our research has found that some of the people sharing conspiracies online don’t believe their own content. They are opportunists: the extremists, the disinformants, the trolls, and the profiteers.
People are angry about nonwhite elves in Middle Earth, and the actors find themselves having to respond to the controversy. Yes, you read that correctly.
Reader Comments: Impeachment and Rule of Law; Sanders, Warren and Trolls; Biden and corruption; Chicago Teachers Strike; Turkey, Kurds, Syria; "Glass Floor"; Housing; Puerto Rico; Resource: Stopping Workplace Sexual Harassment; Announcements (lots)
“Did South Park accidentally invent the alt-right?” Janan Ganesh asked recently in the Financial Times, articulating a theory that began gaining traction as an entire political movement seemed to crystallize around the show’s “anti-PC chic” and general fuck-your-feelings attitude.
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