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The Wire and the World

Helena Sheehan, Sheamus Sweeney Jacobin
A decade ago, The Wire series finale aired. The show was a Marxist's idea of what TV drama should be.

Friday Nite Videos | November 24, 2017

How Southern Socialites Rewrote Civil War History. Stealing Is Legal! DAMNATION: New Series Trailer. Coffee: The Greatest Addiction Ever. Tom Lehrer | We Will All Go Together When We Go.

DAMNATION: New Series Trailer

An epic saga about the secret history of the 1930s American heartland, centering on the mythic conflict and bloody struggle between big money and the downtrodden (IMDB). On USA channel, premier Nov. 7.


Penny Dreadful Is Proving that Misandry in Feminism Can Be Fun

Lauren Sarner Inverse Entertainment
A brief primer, for those unfamiliar with Penny Dreadful: the show takes place in a fictional Victorian London where gothic creatures of the night exist, seances abound, and famous literary characters (Victor Frankenstein, Dorian Gray) mingle with original characters.
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