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UAW Takes On Nissan in Right-to-Work Mississippi

Rick Haglund Michigan Live
UAW leadership views latest effort to organize auto plants in the right-to-work South as key to the union's future. This story focuses on the current campaign to organize a Nissan plant in Canton, Mississippi.

Majority of Workers at Chattanooga VW Plant have Signed Union Cards, UAW Says

Associated Press Chattanooga Times Free Press (TN)
Huge victory for organizing workers. A Majority of workers at the Volkswagen assembly plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee have signed cards with the United Auto Workers (UAW) declaring that they want a union. Union representation at Volkswagen would signal a sea change in labor relations among foreign automakers who have resisted unions at their plants in the South.

Tidbits - September 12, 2013

Reader Comments - Syria, chemical weapons, Israel; American Jews Speakout Against AIPAC; Organized Labor's Decline; Pensions; Mexican unions; Announcements - Sept. 16 in New York - Iraqi Workers in Turbulent Middle East - Pres of Iraqi Oil Workers Union speaks; Protest Alexandria Center for Life Science; FAIR celebrates release of new book Dollarocracy; Demand a Robin Hood Tax - New York - Sept. 17 - Restore and Expand Vital Public Services for the 99%


UAW and Volkswagen

Volkswagen is working with the United Automobile Workers at its Chattanooga, Tenn., assembly plant on how to unionize the plant and create a German-style works council there, the president of the labor union said on Friday.

GOP Dreads Prospects of Autoworkers Union Driving South

Erik Schelzig, The Associated Press The Seattle Times
Discussions between the United Auto Workers union and a Tennessee Volkswagen plant have raised fears among Southern politicians that union representation would deter businesses - and badly needed jobs - from coming to their respective states.

Detroit's Downfall: Beyond the Myth of Black Misleadership

Marilyn Katz In These Times - Web Only Features
How federal policy and Big Auto drove black blight and white flight. Detroit's first black mayor, Coleman Young, and those that followed may not have known it, but Detroit was already on life support and they were the hospice team.


UAW's King Wants to Import German Labor Model to U.S.

Gabe Nelson and Amy Wilson Automotive News
UAW President Bob King, seeking to extend the union's base into auto plants across the South, has endorsed a German-style labor structure for a range of U.S. factories -- not just ones owned by German automakers such as Volkswagen AG but also Detroit Big 3 plants with existing UAW contracts and nonunion assembly plants in the South.


United Auto Workers, Volkswagen union talks prompt questions

ChloƩ Morrison
How would a German-style labor organization work in the United States? For more than a year, leaders with the United Auto Workers Union have been eyeing Chattanooga's Volkswagen plant, and reports this week that the organization has talked with Volkswagen AG executives about a German-style labor board at the local plant have raised a number of questions.
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