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Michigan: Largest Fast Food Strike Yet

Ned Resnikoff MSNBC
As many as 400 workers at more than 60 fast food restaurants in the Detroit metro area walked off the job on Friday. The fast food strike in Detroit is the second major labor action to hit an American city’s fast food industry this week: On Wednesday and Thursday, more than 100 workers in St. Louis walked off the job at roughly 30 different restaurants. These rolling walkouts followed similar actions in New York, central Pennsylvania, and Chicago.

In Search of the Trump-Osborn Voters

Austin Ahlman The American Prospect
Dan Osborn is forging a new path through red states with anti-corporate populism and working-class identity politics.

In the Shadow of King Coal

Sarah Jones Dissent
While the coal industry is in terminal decline, it still shapes the culture of central Appalachia.
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