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Michigan: Largest Fast Food Strike Yet

Ned Resnikoff MSNBC
As many as 400 workers at more than 60 fast food restaurants in the Detroit metro area walked off the job on Friday. The fast food strike in Detroit is the second major labor action to hit an American city’s fast food industry this week: On Wednesday and Thursday, more than 100 workers in St. Louis walked off the job at roughly 30 different restaurants. These rolling walkouts followed similar actions in New York, central Pennsylvania, and Chicago.

Notes on Fighting Trumpism

Robin D. G. Kelley Boston Review
To mobilize the abandoned working class, we need to revive the idea of solidarity.


Jimmy Carter Was No Friend of Union Workers Like Me

Chris Townsend Jacobin
As a worker in the 1970s, I looked forward to a Jimmy Carter administration. By the end of his term in office, like millions of my union sisters and brothers, I felt betrayed.

Unions Get Bigger in Texas

Emily Markwiese The Progressive
Open hostility to unions has left the Lone Star State largely without worker power. Until now.


What Is Salting?

Kim Kelly Teen Vogue
A new generation of union activists is embracing all sorts of organizing strategies, including one of the oldest tactics in the pro-union handbook: salting.

A Working-Class History of Fighting Deportations

David Bacon Jacobin
The US working class has a long tradition of standing up against immigrant repression. This history is a reservoir of inspiration and strategic thinking — and it can help immigrant workers and communities confront Donald Trump’s promised wave of repr


The Big Union Contract Fights Coming in 2025

Joe DeManuelle-Hall, Keith Brower Brown Labor Notes
In some of the most exciting fights of 2024, strikers shut down ports on the East Coast and backed up plane orders on the West. The coming year is full of expiring contracts that could keep the strike wave rolling.
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