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The Du Bois Doctrine

Zachariah Mampilly Foreign Affairs
Du Bois is rightly venerated for his work on civil rights. But by discarding him, the American foreign policy establishment robbed itself of one of the twentieth century’s most perceptive and prescient critics of capitalism and imperialism.

The Break-Up?

John Feffer Foreign Policy in Focus
Are the United States and Israel heading toward a divorce?

Ukraine, Israel and the Two Joe Bidens

Matthew Duss The New Republic
In Ukraine, Biden has spent two years articulating a stirring argument for a rules-based order. In Israel, he set about burning that argument to the ground. Is a morally consistent foreign policy possible?

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Sits Down With the Nation

D.D. Guttenplan and Katrina Vanden Heuvel The Nation
For the first time in history, the president of Cuba sits down with a US outlet to share his thoughts on the future of Cuban socialism, the US blockade, and the economic difficulties facing the island nation.

The Enduring Limits of American Power

John Feffer Foreign Policy in Focus
The decline of U.S influence should not feed the narrative that anarchy has been loosed upon the world. The choice is not between a U.S.-led world and a Joker-led world.
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