Evan D. Bernick
Law and Political Economy (LPE) Project
Looking back at our constitutional history to capture Trump's order’s viciousness. Doing so reveals that the order is not merely unconstitutional, but anti-constitutional.
Maine's petition for statehood was stopped dead by southerners who refused to permit a free state—one that did not permit human enslavement—to enter the Union without a corresponding “slave state” resulting in the infamous "Missouri Compromise."
Printed out of a cattle barn in Missouri, Anvil published some of the biggest leftist writers of the 1930s, including Richard Wright and Langston Hughes. Its popular vision for multiracial socialism in the heart of the US could hardly be more urgent.
In The Unseen Truth, Sarah Lewis examines how an erroneous 18th-century story about the “Caucasian race” led to a centuries of prejudice and misapprehension.
The scale of what Trump has promised is difficult to fathom and without recent precedent. A century and a half ago, however, a movement to cast out a different group of people began to accelerate in the United States.
This book starts by saying that the 9/11 attacks "occurred at a moment when “the United States found itself at the head of a global economic order that had been founded on a growth surge that was slowly but surely running out of steam."
Amy Goodman, Robin D. G. Kelly, Nermeen Shaikh
Democracy Now!
We speak with historian Robin D. G. Kelley about the roots of Donald Trump’s election victory and the decline of Democratic support among many of the party’s traditional constituencies.
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