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Abolition Newspaper Revived for Nation Grappling with Racism

Philip Marcelo Associated Press
The Emancipator was America's first newspaper dedicated to advocating for the end of slavery. Because racism is still so prevalent in this country, the publication will be resurrected over 200 years later.

The Battlelines Are Drawn: Rightwing Neosecession or Third Reconstruction

Bob Wing Social Policy
The heartless combination of the Supreme Court’s gutting of the Voting Rights Act, the House Republicans flatly shunning the immigration bill and the series of police murders of unarmed Black men should be a wakeup call about the grave dangers posed by the far right and may give rise to a renewed motion among African Americans that could give much needed new impetus and political focus to the progressive movement.

Killing the Future: The Theft of Black Life

Nicholas Powers Truthout
The stages of grief depend on narrative closure, the shoveling of dirt on the casket, eulogizing the dead. But for African-American parents whose children were slain by law enforcement, the stages of grief grind to a halt. The dead cannot be laid to rest because the cop who murdered them is not held accountable, and his violence is condoned.
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