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A Regional Reign of Terror

Eric Foner The New York Review
Most Americans now grasp that violence was essential to the functioning of slavery, but a new book excavates the lesser known brutality of everyday Black life in the Jim Crow South.

After Floyd

Austin McCoy The Baffler
If you can’t rein in the police, you can’t save democracy

Where Will This Political Violence Lead? Look to the 1850s.

In the mid-19th century, a pro-slavery minority — encouraged by lawmakers — used violence to stifle a growing anti-slavery majority. It wasn’t long before the other side embraced force as a necessary response.

Peace Literacy: Education for Life

H Patricia Hynes Portside
What if all our schools required training in skilled, non-violent conflict resolution as a form of peace literacy and moral awareness for their students. Would that not be one of the most useful education skills for life that we could give them?
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