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Kamala Harris and Tim Walz Need the Grassroots

Harvey Wasserman LA Progressive
Harris/Walz need grassroots organizing and election protection to win the White House. Whether you like it or not, democracy means you ARE involved, now more than ever. So prepare to be intensely active at least through January 20, 2025.

New Wisconsin Maps May End GOP Gerrymandering

Megan O’Matz ProPublica
Under legal pressure to address Wisconsin’s “Swiss cheese” and oddly shaped districts, the Legislature approved redrawn maps that promise to create a new dynamic in a state known for its pivotal role in national politics.

This Week in People’s History, June 20 . . .

President Reagan giving a speech about smuggling arms to the Contras CIA impunity in 1988. U.S. imperialism's baby steps in 1898. Free speech for Nazis in 1978. U.S. responsibility for Vietnam War in 1971. Smallpox-infected presents in 1763. Voting wrongs, not rights, in 2013. Haymarket prisoners pardoned in 1893.

Hens in the Fox House: The Vote Machine Hack Myth

Greg Palast
Yes, elections are stolen, but not like that. To my good progressive colleagues who’ve been suckered into the “hacker” fantasy, I suggest it’s time to crawl out of the Fox hole. 

The Votes That Weren’t Cast

Clarence Lusane TomDispatch
A democracy agenda that recognizes the racial elements of voter suppression and election denial is sorely needed.
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