The new series Fire Country revolves around an incarcerated California firefighter. Based on a real program, the drama is made possible by California’s budget priorities: few resources for climate protection or fire services and abundant investment in prisons.
The horrendous fire near Boulder, Colorado, is reminiscent of last year's disastrous Dixie Fire in California. Locations are different, but this is what the result of our climate crisis brings - up close and personal.
It's exacerbating hot, dry conditions allowing wildfires to spread farther and faster. Demographic and forest management factors alone are insufficient to explain the magnitude of the observed increase in wildfire extent over the past half-century.
The heat from one fire in California has been so strong that it generated its own thunderstorm cloud. There were at least 24 large wildfires in California, 14 in Oregon, and another 12 in Washington. Yes some still deny climate change.
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