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Tidbits – June 27 – Reader Comments: Trump Worked To Destroy Unions; Remembering Troublemakers-Frank Emspak, Conn Hallinan; AFL-CIO Union Organizer Program; Rethinking the Elections: MAGA Threat and Challenges Facing Progressives and Union Activists;

Reader Comments: Trump Worked to Destroy Unions; Remembering Troublemakers - Frank Emspak ,Conn Hallinan; AFL-CIO Union Organizer Apprenticeship Program; Rethinking the Elections: MAGA Threat and Challenges Facing Progressives and Union Activists;

Tidbits – May 30 – Reader Comments: Bombing Rafah Children – Where Is “Red Line?”; Trump and Palestine Protests; Response: Women Are Changing Labor Unions; NYC and Medicare Advantage; Organizations Raising Money for Humanitarian Relief in Rafah; More

Reader Comments: Bombing Rafah Children; Where is "Red Line?"; Trump and Palestine Protests; Response-Women Are Changing Labor Unions; NYC and Medicare Advantage; Organizations Raising Money for Humanitarian Relief in Rafah; Announcements; Cartoons;

This Week in People’s History, Feb 27-Mar 4

United Auto Workers sit-down strikers in 1937 A Big Loss for Labor (in 1939), Legal Lynching is Still Lynching (1919), Women Hold Up Half the Sky (1864), Nuclear Test Disaster (1954), Disability Inclusion's Ancient Roots (1829), This is Freedom of the Press? (1919), Science, What Is It Good For?

A Union of Their Own -the Most Militantly Feminist Union

Robert Kuttner The American Prospect
How a culture of gross sexism in the airlines created America’s most militantly feminist union. Every officer comes from the ranks of working flight attendants, there is no gap between the lived experience of the rank and file and union leadership.

This Week in People’s History, Aug. 28 – Sept. 5

Hurricane Katrina victims in New Orleans wading through waist-deep floodwater Deadly weather in 2005. KKK run out of town in 1923. FBI informers mess up in 1973. The telephone industry discovers women workers in 1878. TV news is ready for prime time in 1963. Frederick Douglass frees himself in 1838. Ethnic cleansing in 1838.
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