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Tidbits - July 23, 2020 - Reader Comments: Portland - Trump's Militia and the Moms; Teachers Prepare to Resist School Openings; Strike for Black Lives; Unions and Racial Justice; Cuban Medical Internationalism; Resources; Announcements; and more....

Reader Comments: Portland - Trump's Militia and the Moms; Teachers Prepare to Resist School Openings; Strike for Black Lives; Unions and Racial Justice; Cuban Medical Internationalism fact sheet; Resources; Announcements; and more....


The U.S. Labor Movement during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Eric Dirnbach Medium
Eric Dirnbach looks at a range of labor movement actions and resources that have developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and economic disaster. The coronavirus crisis reminds us that workers must organize to save themselves.


Ruthless Quotas at Amazon Are Maiming Employees

Will Evans The Atlantic
This holiday season, Amazon will move millions of packages at dizzying speed. Internal injury reports suggest all that convenience is coming at the expense of worker safety.

Safety Problems at A Los Alamos Laboratory Delay U.S. Nuclear Warhead Testing and Production

R. Jeffrey Smith, Patrick Malone Center for Public Integrity
Nuclear Negligence examines safety weaknesses at U.S. nuclear weapon sites operated by corporate contractors. The Center’s probe, based on contractor and government reports and officials involved in bomb-related work, revealed unpublicized accidents at nuclear weapons facilities, including some that caused avoidable radiation exposures. It also discovered that the penalties imposed by the government for these errors were typically small relative to contractor profit.

Tidbits - May 4, 2017 - Reader Comments: We Remember-May 4, 1970; Korea; Peace Movement; Pre-Existing Conditions; March on McDonald's; Boycotts; Responses to Culture posts; Know Your Rights: What To Do; European Left; and more...

Reader Comments: We Remember - May 4, 1970; New Korean War?; Where is the Peace Movement; Pre-Existing Conditions; March on McDonald's May 23; Boycotts; Workers; Luddites; Marine Le Pen; California Single-Payer; Responses to Culture posts - Identity Politics; Picasso's Guernica; The Zookeeper's Wife; The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks; Lunch and Bologna; Donna Leon; The Handmaid's Tale; KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: What To Do If You're Stopped; The European Left; and more...
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