Women are not okay. We’re furious...Trump’s margin of victory was powered by men, who voted for him by 55 percent—a few points more than went for him in 2020. Trump made gains with almost every type of man, especially younger men and Latino men.
Steven Monacelli, Tristan Lee / Texas Observer
Texas Observer
Anonymity has long been a tactic used by extremists to spread their ideology while avoiding social consequences, from Klansmen hoods to online pseudonyms.
A review of “Character Limit: How Elon Musk Destroyed Twitter” and “Breaking Twitter: Elon Musk and the Most Controversial Corporate Takeover in History.”
Presidential polls are no more reliable than they were a century ago. So why do they consume our political lives? "When we refer to “political junkies,” polls are pretty much the junk."
The Arab Spring cemented Twitter’s indispensable role in fast-moving international stories. Elon Musk has destroyed that and given us something useless — and dangerous.
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