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What Is Salting?

Kim Kelly Teen Vogue
A new generation of union activists is embracing all sorts of organizing strategies, including one of the oldest tactics in the pro-union handbook: salting.


The Rise of the ‘Union Curious’

John S. Ahlquist, Jake Grumbach, and Thomas Kochan Economic Policy Institute
photo of a woman with a clipboard in front of grocery shelves  Support for unionization among America’s frontline workers


Hot Labor Summer: Hype, or a Real Shift in Mood?

Mallory Gruben Northwest Labor Press
“After you are kicked around for long enough and you feel like you’ve done everything in your power to be a partner with an employer, at some point you’ve got to fight back. Workers are realizing their power because they have been pushed so far."

Why Are So Many Young People Joining Labor Unions?

Paige Oamek The Nation
For May Day, we talked to young workers—in tech, retail, food service, and more—about what brought them to the labor movement. Those under 35 overwhelmingly approve of organized labor—77 percent.

Tidbits – Jan. 5, 2023 – Reader Comments: MAGAers Hold Congress Hostage; Roots of American Fascism; Open Letter to Young UniOrganizers; Come Work With Railroad Workers United; Jan 6th Justice: Our Freedoms, Our Vote – Nationwide Events; Cartoons; More…

Reader Comments: MAGAers Hold Congress Hostage; The Roots of American Fascism; Open Letter To Young Union Organizers; Come work with Railroad Workers United; Jan 6th Justice: Our Freedoms, Our Vote -- Nationwide Events; Cartoons; more....

How Zoomers Organized the First Chipotle Union

Jonah Furman Labor Notes
Of all the employers that have seen union drives over the past year, Chipotle—with 100,000 employees across 3,000 stores, and long-term plans to double its footprint in North America—is the most similar to Starbucks.

AFL-CIO Unveils Plan To Grow but Some Union Leaders Underwhelmed

Steven Greenhouse The Guardian
In light of the youth-driven surge of union drives at Starbucks, Amazon, Apple and elsewhere, the AFL-CIO – the main US’s labor federation – is facing growing pressure to undertake a bolder effort to help today’s burst of unionizing expand far faster
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