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Remembering Marion Barry

Marion Barry touched the lives of numerous people in Washington DC as tributes to him from individuals from all walks of life give a small glimpse.

People around the nation who've never met Marion Barry nevertheless have strong opinions about him as a symbol of an era in DC, but he was also a man who touched many lives in many different ways. Our contributors look back at their memories of the "Mayor for Life."

Photo by Tom Bridge on Flickr.

Nick Keenan: I first saw him in person in the late 1990's. I was living in Shaw, the Convention Center was in the planning stages, and it was hugely controversial. There had been a series of public meetings which had grown increasingly heated, and the last one had ended in a near-riot after about ten minutes.

I still remember the president of the civic association standing on a table and blowing a whistle, trying to restore order (why he had brought a whistle to the meeting remains a mystery). Allen Lew had brought a detailed 3D model to the meeting, and I remember him scurrying out, obviously relieved and somewhat surprised that his expensive model had escaped the angry crowd.

It was against this backdrop that Marion Barry came into the neighborhood a few weeks later, to talk with us about the Convention Center.

He had an almost magical effect on the crowd. His charisma was obvious. The crowd was generally hostile, but he won them over. "We're not going to get anywhere," he started, "with people yelling at each other. I'm going to have an assistant hand out cards, and if you have a question or a comment write it on a card, and I will read them all."

And like that, it was over. People had come for a raucous meeting, but they were going to get a bunch of questions read off cards. Or course he never did read all of the questions, but it didn't matter. The Convention Center was approved a few months later.

Veronica Davis: My most vivid memory of Marion Barry was at the Ward 7 Economic Development Summit held last year. He sat next to me at the table as we discussed the future of Ward 7. This was my first time being able to have a one-on-one conversation with him about development. Although I disagreed with some of his ideas, I did not interrupt him. I sat there quietly listening to him and learning from him.

Marion Barry and I both had a hobby of live tweeting the TV show Scandal. One episode he and I were having a Twitter conversation trying to guess the mole. After giving my theory, he tweeted back "Now you're thinking politically." Granted, it was only Twitter, but I felt as if he had given me a gold star.

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A common description throughout all the tributes to Marion Barry is he was a complex man. Despite his faults, he was fascinating and above all charming. There were times I found myself as one of his critics and others I was one of his defenders. He was indeed complex. There is no doubt he will be remembered as a legend.

John Muller: Growing up in the periphery of Washington City, I heard constant chatter of "Mary and Barry." It was not until grade school I understood "Marion Barry" was one person, the powerful and controversial Mayor of DC. Years later, as a local journalist I found myself covering Barry as the Ward 8 Councilmember.

Two memories particularly stand out that speak to the pathos of how and why Barry was near universally beloved in Ward 8. While putting the finishing touches on a story years ago about the Big K saga for East of the River I got a call from Barry around 9:30 pm. "John, I hear you're writing about Big K. I gotta get in that story." We spoke for 30 minutes. I obliged his request.

Last year as Barry entered one of the hundreds of community meetings I've covered, He saw me hanging near the back and offered his hand. "Congratulations on your book, John. We need to do a better job of honoring Frederick Douglass. You've done a great thing for this community."

To be recognized by Barry was, for the fleetingness of moments, to be caught up in his star-crossed relationship with Washington City. For many of the last, lost and least in our city who struggle with issues of illiteracy, employment, substance abuse, and housing Barry's mere acknowledgement of their existence was enough to overlook his personal demons and the failure of city leadership—often his leadership—to change circumstances of their lives.

Brent Bolin: I had crossed paths with Barry a few times in my Anacostia River work, but we activists were turning up the heat on the issue of remediating toxics in the river and scheduled a press conference for the week before the 2010 primary. We stood on one of the toxic sites on the banks of the river and challenged all of the councilmembers to sign a pledge that by the end of their terms there would be a plan in place to deal with the toxics (knowing the actual remediation would take years and years).

Ironically most electeds were just down the river at a Yards Park event, and then a few came upstream to our press conference—Chairman Gray, Marion Barry, Tommy Wells, and Harry Thomas. The press conference was on a dirt lot literally on the riverbank with a few cars parked along the side, and as a group of us waited for officials and press to arrive a Jaguar pulls up and parks smack in the middle of the site.

I was standing some distance away at angle thinking, who the heck is parking in the middle of the event? And then of course the Mayor For Life nonchalantly gets out of the car (even more nonchalantly than he parked) and starts chatting folks up like he owns the place (because he does). And here's the kicker sure to please the GGW crowd: a few minutes later Tommy Wells rolled up on his bike. The contrasting arrivals make me chuckle to this day.

Mr. Barry was coming off a serious illness and I'd heard some people say he had lost a step as a result, but as we talked I found him sharp as could be, and funny, and he really knew a lot about the river. I emailed the below picture to pretty much everyone.

Photo by Brent Bolin.

And you: Did you interact with Marion Barry personally as more than just a legend, an icon, a caricature, or a symbol? Post your recollections in the comments.

Nick Keenan grew up in Massachusetts and moved to Washington in the early 1990s. He is interested in public education and sustainability. He lives in Palisades with his wife and three children.  
Veronica O. Davis, PE, has experience in planning transportation, urban areas, civil infrastructure, and communities. She co-owns Nspiregreen, LLC, an environmental consulting company in DC. She is also the co-founder of Black Women Bike DC, which strives to increase the number of Black women and girls biking for fun, health, wellness, and transportation.  
John Muller is an associate librarian, journalist and historian. He has written two books, Frederick Douglass in Washington, DC, Mark Twain in Washington, DC, and also writes at Death and Life of Old Anacostia 
Brent Bolin is a local environmental and community activist with a background in environmental law, science, and policy. He is passionate about social justice, livable cities, and sustainable urbanism. Brent lives in the Gateway Arts District (on the border of Ward 5) in Mount Rainier, MD where he serves on city council andblogs about local issues 


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I had just purchased a home in Ward 8 and went to a community meeting about Big K. Though Barry is hugely popular in in Ward 8, in this particular meeting concerning Historic Anacostia he was not particularly well received.

As per usual, when a Councilmember enters all activity stops. So Barry takes the mic, "Hello Ward 8!". And the crowd kind of murmered. He does it louder "Hello Ward 8!", this time he gets some jeers and boos. Then someone cracks loud enough to hear that he "needed to retire". Barry jokes, "this must not be Ward 8 then".

It was a pretty unfriendly crowd in an intimate environment. As a newcomer it felt tense, but how Barry handled it was endearing.

He launched into personal reminiscences about Chuck Brown who had recently passed. Then talked about his time as mayor, his appointments, and how some are still around despite not being really qualified at the time of their appointment other than by a love of the city and its people, and then he cracked some jokes. Talked a little about his support for the project, which by this time the community opposed. Then expressed regret he'd have to leave early due to other committments. By the end of his speaking however, things were a lot more loose and even detractors were laughing or smiling at some of what he said.

I also remember him staying the length of the 2 or three hour meeting. If not the entire time, than definitely most of it. Community commentary at the meeting was very contentious and he stayed to hear it despite saying he had to leave early. I remember being really impressed with how he handled the unfriendly crowd and his staying for the entire meeting to hear the communities concerns.

His sense of caring was pulpable. A breath of fresh air from many politicians that scurry away from or avoid unfriendly crowds. Seems like Barry thrived in them and had a very disarming manner. It is a tremendous loss for the city. I had been holding off on using the term New DC, but I feel like this is it for better or worse. Truly the end of an era.

by Ari on Nov 24, 2014 11:17 am • link  report

I was having coffee at Big Chair Cafe a couple of years ago, waiting for a client who was about an hour late. It is a very small place, and I eventually noticed the three men at the table next to me. What struck me about them was that one man was doing all the talking, and the other two were completely in thrall to what he was saying. Pretty soon I was too, mesmerized by his grasp of some complex real estate development issues he was describing and the ease with which he explained them.

It didn't click until later that day that it was Marion Barry talking, and it made complete sense to me in that moment why he was the consummate political survivor.

by Alison on Nov 24, 2014 11:29 am • link  report

All I will ever remember is that he voted against gay marriage. He denied equality for one group after promoting it for so many years for another.

by mch on Nov 24, 2014 12:59 pm • link  report

@mch not disagreeing, but he also did a lot for for lgbt people in the earlier days.

an interesting read, regardless of anyone's views

by guest1 on Nov 24, 2014 2:03 pm • link  report

in part, (from

“On May 23, 1972, as president of the Board of Education, he was the one who engineered the first resolution from the school board outlawing anti-gay discrimination in the public school system,” said Craig Howell, former president and longtime member of the D.C. Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance.


“Barry followed through by appointing gays to all kinds of important positions throughout the government,” according to Howell. “He put us on the map politically speaking, and he really led the field as far as any other mayor in the country. Nobody was more pro-gay or did more for us than Marion Barry did.”

by guest1 on Nov 24, 2014 2:09 pm • link  report