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Texas Judge Strikes Down Obama’s ACA as Unconstitutional

Abby Goodnough and Robert Pear New York Times
At issue was whether the health law’s insurance mandate still compelled people to buy coverage after Congress reduced the penalty to zero dollars as part of the tax overhaul that President Trump signed last December.

What You Need to Know about ACA Enrollment

Jose Jimenez The Praxis Project
There seems to be breaking news everyday on how the ACA is now “dead” but don’t let that confuse you! The enrollment period is STILL coming up this November 1st and many of our friends and family may not even know. Here are the basics you need to know.

Six Ways Trumpcare Makes Healthcare Worse (And One Way to Make It Better)

Labor for Single Payer Labor for Single Payer
The Affordable Care Act never really solved the healthcare crisis. It treated healthcare as a commodity allocated through market forces rather than as a public good and failed to address the profiteering at the core of our healthcare system, forcing it to use a series of confusing and convoluted mechanisms to expand heath insurance coverage and regulate health insurance providers.

The Backroom Deal That Could’ve Given Us Single-Payer

Enrique Diaz-Alvarez Jacobin
It’s not so much that Obama “sold us out” to a powerful constituency as that he picked the wrong powerful constituency. A quick look at the financial details reveals that health insurance nationalization was always the real “path of least resistance.”


Watch Out: the ACA is Coming! Briefing Paper Now Available

Labor Campaign for Single Payer Labor Campaign for Single Payer
Some unions have called for the repeal of Obamacare and a return to the status quo before its passage. We in the Labor Campaign believe that such a call would be a disaster for the labor movement. Rather, we believe that this is a moment to move forward to healthcare justice by ac- knowledging the weaknesses in the ACA while defending its gains and moving to establish a single-payer Medicare for All system that would make healthcare a right for everyone in America.
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