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This Week in People’s History, Oct. 10-Oct. 16

President Reagan sitting at his desk in front of an aerial photo of fighter plans on the ground in Cuba U.S. to World Court: Drop Dead! (in 1983). ACT UP shuts down FDA (1988). Secrecy runs amuck (1973). Stars and stripes fly over Dixie (1863). GIs strike against Vietnam War (1968). SCOTUS prefers civil wrongs (1883). Athletes protest racism (1968).

This Week in People’s History, Oct. 10-Oct. 16

Ronald Reagan sitting in front of an aerial photo of a target in Cuba in March 1983 U.S. to World Court: Drop Dead! (in 1983). ACT UP shuts down FDA (1988). Secrecy runs amuck (1973). Stars and stripes fly over Dixie (1863). GIs strike against Vietnam War (1968). SCOTUS prefers civil wrongs (1883). Athletes protest racism (1968).
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