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The Betrayal of the American Soldier

Erik Edstrom Tom Dispatch
A veteran of Afghanistan suggests to us all that, in a country and world besieged by the coronavirus, perhaps it’s truly time to come up with a new definition of patriotism.

Friday Nite Videos | December 13, 2019

Trump Is "Surprised" He's Being Impeached for Ukraine Scandal. 'A Rapist in Your Path': Chilean Protest Song Becomes Feminist Anthem. America’s Afghanistan Fiasco. Man Climbs Over Trump's Border Wall. How America Fails Its Whistleblowers.

America’s Afghanistan Fiasco

The Washington Post releases a staggering report about the war in Afghanistan that shows an alarming lack of strategy, gross mismanagement of funds and a continued pattern of painting the war as successful from Presidents Bush, Obama and Trump. #TheDailyShow

U.S. Out of Everywhere - The case for an immediate withdrawal

Azadeh Shahshahani In These Times
The case for an immediate withdrawal from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. It is time to revive the anti-war movement in the U.S. in order to push the political establishment to abandon its imperialist policies and white-savior tendencies.

15 Years After the Iraq Invasion, What Are the Costs?

Stephanie Savell Other Words
We spend $32 million per hour on wars started during the Bush administration. The economic costs of the war on terror has cost Americans a staggering $5.6 trillion since 2001, when the U.S. invaded Afghanistan.

The Stories War Tells Me

Rory Fanning
So many years later, fragmented memories from my time in Afghanistan still flood my head when I least expect them. Sometimes, I’ll push them out quickly; other times, particularly since my kids were born, they just won’t leave.

Tidbits - May 18, 2017 - Reader Comments: Comey Firing, Trump Base, Family Trump, Afghan Escalation, Sessions' Dept. of Injustice; Poor Prisons; Solidarity Statement for Yale Graduate Union; Resistance Summer; Chelsea is Free; and more...

Reader Comments: Comey, Trumpism, Family Trump, Afghan Escalation, Sessions' Dept. of Injustice; Poor Prisons; People's History - Henry Wallace; The Man Who Never Returned; The Investigator; Solidarity Statement for Yale Graduate Union - Add Your Name; Announcements: Resistance Summer; Chelsea is Free; Seattle Labor History Mural; 80th Commemoration of Republic Steel Massacre; Book Tours: In the Fields of the North; The Syriza Wave; Left Forum Opening Plenary additions
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