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Whose Future Is It Anyway?

Jess Maginity Los Angeles Review of Books
This book discusses the effort by the alt-right and fascist movements to claim the genres science fiction and speculative literature as their own.

Freedom Comes to Canada

Bryan D. Palmer Verso
Canada has been rocked in recent weeks by the "Freedom Convoys" that have descended on the nation's cities and blocked border crossings across the country. Bryan D. Palmer maps the political and social composition of this new alt-right uprising.

The Massacre That Spawned the Alt-Right

Shaun Assael and Peter Keating Politico
The supremacists who emerged from the Greensboro trials understood they were free. … Free to work together to stockpile weapons, terrorize neighborhoods and commit violence up to and including murder—so long as their opponents were communists.

The Fascist Threat and How to Combat It

Mark Solomon Portside
Proto-Fascism - seeding of the political ground for full-born fascism, tends to move from threat to reality when principal segments of finance capital no longer consider parliamentary democracy, their preferred form of rule, to be a guarantor of their hegemony. That tendency is increasingly global.


Right Hooks: Trump and the Anatomy of the Alt-Right

Michael Hirsch The Indypendent
The book traces the myriad links between the far right, from Fox News, Tea Party activists, militia supporters, new media trolls, White Nationalists, resurgent Klan members and self-proclaimed Nazis to Donald Trump, where each piggybacks on the rest in honing messages and growing their influence. While the author spends little time referencing left and progressive forces opposing the right's resurgence, his work is exhaustive in researching the phenomena.
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