My research shows this tradition runs deep. The American Jewish establishment did not always view anti-Zionism as inherently antisemitic. Some Jewish community leaders considered themselves “non-Zionist” until years after Israel’s founding.
A leading Israeli think tank warns the country's “special relationship” with the US is in danger due to a progressive shift among American Jews, which poses a strategic threat to Israel.
Less than half of US Jews had positive feelings for Mr. Netanyahu, according to a Pew Research Center study last year. Younger Jews, may not feel much connection with Israel at all - 27 percent between 18 and 29 said Israel was not important .....
Jews support a return to the Iran deal by 68-32, according to a new survey. And when Jews are asked to name their top two political issues, Israel shows up near the bottom of the list, well behind climate change.
For too long, Jewish communal institutions have adopted a “just us” approach. The ADL and United Jewish Appeal-Federation of New York, two central organizers of Sunday’s march, have long histories of demonizing Muslim and Palestinian communities...
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