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What Happens When You Tax Billionaires at 90 Percent?

Tom Hartman Economy For All
America’s billionaires pay an average of around 3.1 percent as their functional income tax rate; America is the most unequal developed society in the world. The last time severe poverty and extravagant wealth coexisted was during the 1920s and 1930s.

Tossed by Cement Mixers, the Court Grows Dizzy

Harold Meyerson The American Prospect
Last Thursday, the Supremes ruled against a union of cement-mixer drivers—but their very odd decision could have been lots worse for American workers.

Liberalism and the Spectre of Inverted Totalitarianism

Henry Heller Canadian Dimension
What is paradoxical is that U.S. imperial ideology happens to be not fascism but an all-encompassing and intolerant liberalism refitted for rationalizing military and political expansion.

Food Innovations That Came From War

Diana Hubbell Atlas Obscura
Many processed foods now common in civilian life were first created by and for the military-industrial complex. Thank Uncle Sam for Cheetos, air fryers, and other modern mainstays.