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The AFL-CIO Is Exploring New Investments in Alt-Labor and Texas Organizing

Josh Eidelson The Nation
The AFL-CIO is discussing “the next stage” in alternate formations and there “will be some limited, thoughtful experiments in different places through various affiliates.” The AFL-CIO also plans to support an ambitious multi-union effort to organize in Texas. “The AFT has come to us and said, ‘We want you to convene other unions to make a long-term investment in Texas and we’re going to do it.”

Why John Kerry Should Be Treated As A Thief

Robert Fisk Guardian (Uk)
Many Israelis see the vileness of this land theft and condemn it. They deserve the peace and security which the world wishes them. But they won’t get it with colonisation, and they know it.

Friday Nite Videos -- August 16, 2013

Kentucky town with openly gay mayor. Court clerk fired for helping free wrongly convicted man. Frisky business in New York City. Obama -- I was going to do that. Documentary: The Act of Killing. Country Joe at Woodstock: Vietnam Song.