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Voices of Protest from Tahrir

Carl Finamore In These Times
The Brotherhood, the military and the property class are increasing their stranglehold on society, but the spirit of revolution, two years on, is undiminished. The youth, women and workers have not been defeated, and they want their voices heard.

The Myth of Living Beyond Our Means

Robert Reich Robert Reich's Blog
The richest 1 percent now own more than 35 percent of all of the nation’s household wealth, and 38 percent of the nation’s financial assets – including stocks and pension funds. The richest 400 Americans have more wealth than the bottom 150 million of us put together. 6 Walmart heirs have more wealth than bottom 33 million American families combined. So why are we even contemplating cutting programs the middle class and poor depend on, and raising raising their taxes?

The GOP Crackup: How Obama is Unraveling Reagan Republicanism

Robert Reich
Soon after President Obama’s second inaugural address, John Boehner said the White House would try “to annihilate the Republican Party” and “shove us into the dustbin of history.”Actually, the GOP is doing a pretty good job annihilating itself.

Chimps Might Have a Sense of Fair Play

Michael Balter
If you give a mouse a cookie, will it give you something back? Researchers have long wondered whether animals play fair. A new study in chimps suggests that they do, although some skeptics are not convinced.