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160 Americans To Take Protest Trip To Cuba

Venceremos Brigade Venceremos Brigade
demonstrators holding Venceremos Brigade banner
Brigadistas will return to the U.S. to educate their communities about the realities seen and experienced in Cuba, and to advocate for the end of the blockade and travel ban, the return of occupied Guantánamo Bay, and truly normal relations.

14 States Funnel Millions of Public Dollars to Fake Abortion Clinics

Sarah Moore Facing South
A Crisis Pregnancy Center in St. Paul, MN.
Some 14 states are using public dollars to fund so-called "crisis pregnancy centers," which pose as legitimate medical facilities, when in fact their true function is to deter people from seeking abortion, often by providing false information.

The Uprising in Sudan and the role of the African American Left

Zachary Mondesire Africa is a Country
Sudanese protestors demanding an end to military rule.
Citing the response to the historic popular uprising in Sudan, the author warns some on the African American Left may have joined Euro-American political scientists in undervaluing the potential for political mobilization in sub-Saharan Africa.