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Happy Birthday, Pete Seeger

Dick Flacks and Peter Dreier Jacobin
Pete Seeger would have turned 100 today. Few figures in American history have lived as influential and deeply radical lives as he did. Let's celebrate him today.

Friday Nite Videos | May 3, 2019

William Barr's Master Class on Hair Splitting. For Pete at 100 | This Land Is Your Land. Elizabeth Warren: Time to Open Impeachment Proceedings. How Quantum Computers Break Encryption. Ady Barkan Testifies on Medicare for All.

New Group Launches to Harness Political Power of Women

Julie Pace AP News
Dubbed Supermajority, the group, which describes itself as multiracial and intergenerational, has a goal of training and mobilizing 2 million women over the next year to become organizers and political leaders in their communities.

Venezuela: U.S. Coup Fails, Is Intervention Next?

Uri Friedman; Peace Action The Atlantic
U.S.-backed Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó launched an attempted coup. Dozens of people were injured in the bedlam that ensued. Guadió was hoping enough military leaders would defect, toppling the government of Nicolás Maduro. It flopped.

Barr Lied to Congress. That’s a Crime. No One is Above the Law

Congressman Jerrold Nadler U.S. House Committee on The Judiciary
The Administration may not dictate the terms of a hearing...Every member of this Committee—Democrat and Republican alike—should understand the consequences when the executive branch tells us that they will simply ignore a lawful subpoena...